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Server Time (GMT-4) Jul. 27 - 05:48AM (GMT-4)
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  • Register an SPGENS Account

    We do not recommend using a personal password that is tied to any other account. Additionally, all non A-Z, 0-9 characters will be REMOVED from your login info.

    Please note that usernames are CASE SENSITIVE.
    Usernames can only have numbers and letters. Usernames are also your in-game display name. Must be 4 to 12 characters long. * Required Field.
    Passwords require at least 1 number, 1 upper case and lower case letter and must be between 6-12 characters. * Required Field.
    Retype your password entered above to confirm your password. * Required Field.
    Only 2 accounts can be associated per email address. * Required Field.
    Retype your email entered above to confirm your email. * Required Field.
    Gender chosen will display in-game alongside your username. * Required Field.

    SPGENS is not affiliated or associated with HanbitSoft or I.O. Entertainment.

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